Sexual Freedom Hypnosis

Imagine for a moment…

You’re in bed with your partner, feeling sexy and desirable. You feel completely comfortable with yourself and your body, you feel connected and safe with your partner, you’re relaxed and uninhibited. No inner critic, just going with the flow, in the moment, experiencing complete erotic bliss, able to give and receive pleasure, communicate your wants and needs, and able to climax in a natural way as part of the sensual experience.

Isn’t this what we all want? After all, healthy sex, intimacy, and affection are basic human needs… up there with food and water.

And yet, for many of us, the above scenario seems unattainable.

“Working with Laura was so amazing. Not only did I meet the goals I had set for myself, including ability to enjoy pleasure and express myself more, but I found the work with her moving and eye-opening. I highly recommend!”

— Kat D.

Sexual and Intimacy Issues are Common!

You are not alone if you’re experiencing problems in this arena. In fact, at least 30% of men and 40% of women have a sexual dysfunction in their lifetime that lasts for three months or more, and almost everyone will experience some kind of sexual difficulty at some stage in their lifetime!

For instance, you may be a woman who can easily have an orgasm when you are by yourself, but have never been able to do so with or in the presence of your partner, or find it very difficult.

Problems like anorgasmia, erectile dysfunction, sexual performance anxiety, premature ejaculation, vaginismus and intimacy issues are at an all time high, and sexual confidence is at an all time low. WHY?

  • Maybe you were taught that sex was shameful.

  • Maybe you weren’t taught about sex/your body at all - it’s been one big guessing game.

  • Maybe you experienced sexual trauma or abuse earlier in life, that has negatively shaped your current sexual experiences.

  • Maybe you had a really “bad” or embarrassing experience at some point that has created the fear and anxiety of future repetitions.

  • Maybe you have a fear that ‘you’re not normal’ with regards to your sexual desires or bodily responsiveness.

  • Maybe you put so much pressure on yourself to ‘perform’ well for your partner, that the actual intimacy and connection are lost in the process.

  • Maybe you experience pain during sex.

  • Maybe you have a porn addiction.

  • Maybe you’ve developed a fetish and believe you will be ridiculed or rejected because of it.

  • Maybe you have a negative body image.

  • Maybe you have not taken responsibility for and ownership of your own sexual pleasure.

  • Maybe you feel anxious or unable to talk honestly about sex/sexual issues with your partner, and feel destined to have an unfulfilling sex life.

Sexual struggles can manifest at different points in our life - sometimes situationally or with particular relationships - and the results can be devastating for both you as the individual, as well as you, the couple.

Sexual Freedom - What is it?

The ability to choose to have a consenting, confident, satisfying sex life, in the absence of sexual dysfunction, guilt and shame.
— Kaz Riley

Why is hypnosis so transformative?

All sexual dysfunctions have a psychological element!

It’s important to get checked out by your doctor, because sometimes there are physical causes to decreased libido, pain, and erectile dysfunction, to name a few. It’s important to rule out medical causes such as menopause, diabetes, thyroid issues, or other disease that can be potential causes of sexual dysfunction.

Even if there is a medical cause for your issues, the psychological impact can still be great. And in fact, at least two thirds of sexual dysfunctions are purely psychosexual - meaning the main reason that you are having problems becoming sexually aroused, or achieving sexual satisfaction in the appropriate situations, are caused purely by mental or emotional reasons.

Here’s the good news - the mind is our most powerful sexual organ! And where the mind goes, the body follows. You may have limiting beliefs or self sabotaging thoughts, either conscious or subconscious, that are causing your body to go into ‘shut down’ mode.

Hypnosis has the power to facilitate lasting change on the subconscious level of the mind - which directly effects our emotions and behaviors. And it is a long established and and researched method of treatment. This means that it is an effective way to treat the root causes of your sexual/intimacy issues, as well as helping to lift any related anxieties.

Sexual Freedom Hypnosis with Laura

Here are some of the reported benefits of my hypnosis program:

  • I create a ‘safe container’ for women, men and couples, guiding you to transform your sexual experience and issues around intimacy.

  • For women, you are able to discover (or rediscover) the ability to orgasm in an easy, natural way.

  • If you’re a woman with performance anxiety, you learn how to get out of your head and into your body, embracing the moment in a relaxed and receptive way with your partner!

  • For men, you are able to reduce performance anxiety, and become able to maintain your erection, and regain control over if/when you ejaculate.

  • You have the ability to candidly discuss the issues at hand, feeling comfortable to do so. I want you to feel heard and understood with no judgement.

  • You have the opportunity to overcome past trauma that may be contributing to your present day intimacy issues.

  • You are able to recognize the old limiting beliefs that are preventing you from having a satisfying sex life.

  • You rediscover your natural human right to pleasure!

  • You are able to befriend your body and your sexuality in a wonderful way.

  • You experience a whole new sense of freedom with yourself and your partner that you didn’t think was possible!

The Program

My Sexual Freedom Hypnosis® program consists of a series of six hypnosis sessions, therapeutic coaching, as well as additional audios, tools, and exercises to use and practice outside of our sessions** to facilitate your growth and transformation.

The total investment for you is $1225.

At the end of the six sessions, we evaluate a plan moving forward. For some, the 6 session container the perfect length. Others may choose to continue our work together to tackle other issues or refine and cement what changes have already transpired.

All sessions are therapeutic in nature. There is NO sexual activity of any kind during our sessions.

** This is an active therapy, meaning that you must be ready to participate in your own healing outside of sessions. “For things to change, YOU have to change!"

I’m ready to transform my sex life. How do I start?

Just go to any orange button, and schedule your complementary consult via Zoom. This way you can get your questions answered, and I can determine if the program is a good fit for you.

We are all sexual beings by nature. As a responsible adult, you deserve to have a fulfilling and wonderful sex life! There’s no time like the present moment to create a new future for yourself and your present or future relationships!

I’m excited to work with you!

** I welcome and work with folks of all sexual persuasions, and those in straight or gay relationships.

There are so many benefits to a healthy sex life!

For health reasons alone, having a healthy and positive sex life can be so very beneficial for you! It:

  • Strengthens your immune system

  • Increases your self esteem and your level of intimacy with your partner

  • Boosts your libido

  • Lowers your blood pressure

  • Lowers your heart attack risk

  • Orgasms block pain by releasing those ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters like endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine.

  • Improves your sleep by the release of the hormone prolactin

  • Eases your stress and anxiety

  • Counts as exercise!

“Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.”

— Anonymous