HypnoFertility with Laura

Check out my recent blog post!

Then, I invite you to scroll down to discover more about my HypnoFertility program for women.

The Top 10 Benefits of Hypnosis for Infertility Issues.

Enhance your fertility and optimize your chances of conceiving.

It’s easy to start! I invite you to book your complementary Zoom consult below.

As a Certified 3Keys® HypnoFertilitist, I support and empower you to conceive, carry and birth your beautiful baby.

  • If you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant naturally or via ART, you may be feeling helpless, frustrated, angry, isolated, anxious, depressed, inadequate, heartbroken, afraid, and maybe even ashamed. You may have even lost hope.

  • To add to your frustration, you may have received the diagnosis of “unexplained infertility.”

  • You might be caught up in the cycle of obsessing about every aspect of your life, as it relates to you getting pregnant.

  • You may be feeling envious of friends and family who seem to have no problem getting pregnant. And finding it difficult to be happy for them, and isolated because you don’t want to bring them down by talking about your own struggles.

  • Perhaps your partner is also experiencing the stress of having issues with his sperm, or the effects of the pressure to perform, causing erectile dysfunction.

  • To make matters worse, you may be feeling the strain of all of the above wearing on your marriage or relationship.

We know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that stress and anxiety have a direct effect on the body’s ability to conceive. This is because stress puts the body into the fight/flight/freeze mode, which directly impacts the reproductive system in a negative way, with regards to fertility.

 The Good News!

Hypnosis has been scientifically proven:

  • to improve fertility and effectively double the success of IVF treatments,

  • to decrease stress and anxiety, which have been scientifically shown to negatively impact fertility.

  • Why? Because we know that our thoughts create our emotions, which have a direct impact on our physiology. And hypnosis deals directly with the subconscious mind, which is the seat of our emotions, and where we store all of our memories and limiting thoughts and beliefs.

  • By accessing the subconscious mind, we can directly impact our body’s physiology!

    **I believe hypnotherapy is the ‘missing link’ when it comes to aiding in fertility. Before I was a HypnoFertilitist, I worked with women experiencing fertility issues through Maya Abdominal Therapy. While I found this to be a great adjunct treatment, (and even had a baby named after me!), I always felt there was something missing. Now I firmly believe that hypnosis was that missing link! Our thoughts and emotions are so powerful, and I can see so clearly now that they have a direct correlation to our physiology.

3Keys® HypnoFertility is the original, time tested, gold standard of HypnoFertility.

Together, let’s work to realize your dream of having a family!

Regain a sense of control

3Keys®HypnoFertility has been helping women and couples around the world get and stay pregnant for over two decades, and is considered the ‘gold standard’ of HypnoFertility.

As a Certified 3Keys® HypnoFertilitist, I am honored to be one of the less than two dozen professional hypnotherapists personally trained by Lynsi Eastburn, originator of the world renowned HypnoFertility® method and long-established expert in the field of hypnosis to promote fertility. 


There are so many benefits that women and couples have achieved through this work. Here are just a few that are available to you:

  • Maximize your chances of a successful IVF

  • Increase your odds of conceiving naturally

  • Overall stress reduction, which will positively affect many facets of your life, including the possibility of diminishing or eradicating of related chronic health conditions.

  • Experience a feeling of calm, knowing that you are taking control of the one thing you CAN control - your thoughts!

  • Improve your relationship with your partner

  • Release traumas associated with the fertility process, mom issues, self esteem issues, deep rooted issues, or any issues that may be unconsciously affecting your ability to get/stay pregnant

  • Increase your confidence and self esteem

  • Transform and empower your relationship with yourself, your partner and your life!

 Your Customized Program

The 12 Session 3Keys® HypnoFertility Program is custom designed for you within the system, based on your individual circumstances and needs. It includes hypnosis sessions, custom made audios, lots of other tools/techniques, resources, email support throughout the program, and more!

I am committed that my programs create both immediate and lasting value to each and every client, beyond what you could have hoped for!

  • Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, you are planning to go ahead with ART, or you are already in the process, our 3Keys HypnoFertility program will transform your life!

  • I work individually with women, men, or as a couple (individually), to help you bring your baby into this world.

  • Because I work with clients from many different countries, appointments are done live via Zoom. If you live local to Bellingham, we can do them in person if you choose.

OK, Now You’re Interested. What Next?

To find out more, and to get started, please click the orange button below and schedule your free discovery call. Let’s have a conversation about you, and discover how the my hypnofertility program may be able to support and impact your life forever. I look forward to connecting!

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“Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.”

— Anonymous